Tarot Fiction, Biography

Novels inspired by tarot cards

The Castle of Crossed Destinies Paperback , Italo Calvino– Illustrated, April 16, 1979

A series of short, fantastic narratives inspired by fifteenth-century tarot cards and their archetypical images. Full-color and black-and-white reproductions of tarot cards.  

Sepulcher (Languedoc Trilogy Book 2) , Kate Mosse 

Set in the Rennes-le-Bains, in southwest France this novel is fast moving romance, crime and historical mystery involving the pack tarot cards and a piece of 19th-century music known as Sepulcher 1891.

Last Love in Constantinople: A Tarot Novel for Divination, Milorad Pavic

Last Love in Constantinople follows the reversing fortunes of two generations of two families - one of merchants, the other of artists - across Europe during the time of the Napoleonic wars. In this novel, the reader is invited, through the use of the Tarot card illustrations supplied with the book, to obtain a unique reading of the text. The families' interlocking fates may be divined by dealing the cards and reading the chapters in the order indicated. The book also contains instructions for its use as an oracle for foretelling the reader's own fortune.

Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino

“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.” — from Invisible Cities 

The Greater Trumps, Charles Williams

In this classic tale of spirituality, morality, and the occult, a dark plot to murder an unsuspecting Englishman who possesses the world’s rarest tarot deck unleashes uncontrollable elemental forces. 

Initiation, Elisabeth Haich

An autobiography that connects the twentieth century European life of internationally beloved teacher Elisabeth Haich and her lucid memories of initiation into the hidden mystical teachings of the priesthood in ancient Egypt. It reveals her insights into the subtle workings of karma, reincarnation, and spiritual development. Contains no Tarot cards as such, but scenes that are inspired by certain Tarot Cards, such as The Chariot and Strength.

Movies, Videos, Games

The Professor & the Madman (Mel Gibson & Sean Penn) on NETFLIX

About the gigantic task of compiling the OED: Oxford English Dictionary

Rosanne Cash - The Wheel - Music video with a lot of card images. https://youtu.be/_Casu1yaobY

The Red Violin

A Tarot reading foretells a future in an unexpected way. The Red Violin has a lasting hold on all the lives it has touched. From its creation in 17th century Italy, to the courts of Imperial Vienna in 1790, to Victorian England, to the People's Republic of China in the 1960's, and finally, to a modern day auction house in Montreal, the violin has been at the center of controversy, adventure, love and passion. 

Fool’s Errand 1987 Cliff Johnson https://www.fools-errand.com/

Taboo: The Sixth Sense -1988 NES by Rare https://www.retrogames.cc/nes-games/taboo-the-sixth-sense-usa.html